Research begins on the Time Machine. Prototype parts are being manufactured and the team are buzzing with enthusiasm

The team have been in the DT department regularly trying to work out all of the parts that we need to make the replica as accurate as possible. Mr Parsons has joined a very useful Facebook group called DeLorean Time Machine Builders Group where there is an abundance of resources and incredibly helpful people. We tested our 3D printers, but found out that they didn't print in the appropriate plastic. PLA isn't appropriate for manufacturing 3D printed parts for this project, so we started looking for a 3D printer that could print PETG-Carbon Fibre. We were delighted that Flash Forge ( have sponsored us and we are blown away with the quality it produces.
“This material is superb to work with and we can manufacture lots of parts on our CNC milling machine”
Our incredible technician Mr Vernon has an abundance of experience in the industry and has created links with a company he worked for called HPL Prototypes ( who have kindly given us their offcuts of high quality model board. This material is superb to work with and we can manufacture lots of parts on our CNC milling machine. Once it is primed, painted and lacquered it will last a lifetime.

Moving forward, we will be testing more materials and 3D printing some of the key features of the iconic time machine. We have also been hugely lucky to have had some resin casts donated to us from a company which sells replica props from Back to the Future. Again, we are hugely grateful for these parts and we can't thank them enough for their kindness in helping this project along. Be sure to check out our social media feeds below
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